Monday, November 16, 2015

Is Twitter or Instagram more important to Brands!?

Twitter vs. Instagram 

In my opinion I think that Twitter is more important to brands than Instagram is. Don't get me wrong I love Instagram but for brands Twitter seems to have a bigger outreach. Even though it seems that more people might have an active Instagram account; people on Twitter check their accounts more regularly than their other social platforms.


According to The Wall Street Journal in 2014 there were 974 Million existing accounts.

There are over 270 Million active users!

It increases each year!

300 Billion tweets were shared when they first started out.

20.5% Internet users in U.S. have Twitter accounts

Expected to rise to 24.2% in 2018

Those who use Twitter use it most regularly compared to other platforms

To see more10 Remarkable Twitter Statistics


  • Uses Twitter- 320 Million
  • Registered users- About a Billion 
  • U.S. Adult population- 18%
To see more: Statistics

Demographics & Psychographics:  (What type of people are on Twitter)

  1. Egg photo
  2. Lurker
  3. Contester 
  4. Retweeter 
  5. Bot
  6. #Teamfollowback
  7. Celebrity 
  8. "Guru" 
  9. Business
  10. The best of the rest 
To see more: Types of Twitter Users


  1. Increase brand awareness 
  2. Keep up with latest trends in your industry 
  3. Promote your blog content, videos, presentations, etc. 
  4. Boost your website 
  5. Drive website traffic 
  6. Get instant feedback about products/services 
  7. Increase the reach and impact of PR initiatives 
  8. Gather real-time competitive intelligence 
  9. Monitor brand representation 
  10. Support recruiting efforts by connecting with potential employees 
  11. Gain direct access to high profile individuals 

To learn more: Twitter for Business

How Products are Best Reflected:

  1. Users can take advantage of contests
  2. Advantage of sales and coupons they post 
  3. Pushing the deals they offer 
  4. Post at specific times 
  5. Use Hashtags 
  6. Use celebrities and people with a lot of followers to promote 
  7. Show off new products (text, gifs, videos, photos, links, etc.)
  8. Follow mentions 
  9. Answer peoples complaints/compliments about the product quickly 


400 Million active users!

However 70% is located outside of the U.S.

In 2015 in the U.S. there are: 77.6 million active users

It has been growing over the years!

Demographics & Psychographics 

  • Male percentage- 51%     (recorded in 2014)
  • Female percentage- 49%  (recorded in 2014)
  • Younger than 35- 90%
  • By 2018 estimated- 106.2 Million
  • Between ages 16-24- 41%

To see more Statistics: Amazing Instagram Statistics


  1. Increased engagement 
  2. Building trust and personality 
  3. Increase in traffic 
  4. Gaining a competitive advantage 
  5. Reaching target market 
  6. Free Advertising 
To learn more about the Benefits:  6 Business Benefits

How Products are Best Reflected: 

  1. Audience specific hashtags 
  2. The right filters 
  3. Post at peak times 
  4. Engage with competitors followers 
  5. Work with popular Instagrammers 
  6. Emphasis scarcity 
  7. Spotlight new products 
  8. Highlight social proof
To learn more about how to reflect a brands products: Social Media Examiner

Different SNS (Social Network Systems) can work for different brands. 
  • Depending on the brand different platforms could work better
  • Sperry's have a way bigger following on Twitter than they do on Instagram 
    • They update Twitter more frequently 
    • Twitter following: 48.1k
    • Instagram following: 16.9k 
    • Twitter seems to work better for Sperry to promote their shoes 

  • Paper Lantern Literature has a bigger following on Twitter than they do on Instagram 
    • They update Twitter more frequently 
    • Twitter following: 4,433
    • Instagram following: 258
    • Twitter seems to work better for PLL to promote their books/contests/give aways/etc.

Monday, October 5, 2015



Target Audience

Snickers targets men and woman of all ages! In the commercials they have men or woman turn into someone they are not when they are hungry, but once they have a snickers bar they turn back into themselves. Snickers does not target a certain income level in these commercials. Snickers is targeting the cranky/hungry people, which are recently called "hangry" people by making a funny commercial were people change when they are hungry. The commercials are fun and upbeat making the viewer remember them. 

Social Zones

Snickers social media marketing campaign does well in social relationship and social publishing. 

Social relationship=lots of Facebook and Twitter activity
Social publishing=Pinterest (have recipes that use Snickers) and YouTube were both Snickers and others publish their TV commercials 

Social Media Platforms 

Most successful: Twitter and Facebook! 

Snickers Twitter Account  <----- Click to check it out!

Snickers Facebook Account  <----Click to check it out!

Both platforms are pretty similar to one another with what they post on each, the only difference would be in the amount of sharing, comments and likes they receive. They receive more shares, comments and likes on Facebook then they receive retweets, favorites and comments. 

Facebook - 10,659,003 likes 
Twitter - 223K Following 

In recent posts the most likes, shares, and comments on Facebook are: 


The most recent retweets and favorites on Twitter are: 

  • 58 favorites 
Social Media Campaign 

Currently Snickers is still using the slogan "Who are you when you're hungry?" 

  • Sleepy 
  • Cranky 
  • Confused                                                  
  • Rebellious 
  • Spacey
  • Goofball          
  • Snippy 
  • Loopy 
  • Feisty 

NFL is also currently being used to help promote Snickers, with the theme of Halloween as well since it is now October! 


Using the NFL and Halloween work for the campaign with their slogan "who are you when you're hungry?" because it goes with what is currently happening in the world today. It is now October so Halloween is right around the corner and it is appropriate for Snickers to post photos and with pumpkins, witches, and ghosts with their Snickers. This goes the same for the NFL. Their slogan goes with these two themes as well because they can use football players or halloween things for their commercials in place of the other actors/actresses they had cast in them. 

30-Second commercial during super bowl 2015:

There objective was to engage the audience with The Brady Bunch commercial with its funny humor. On YouTube it had: 14,787,137 views and 1,660 comments 


A competitor for Snickers would be Twix

Facebook- Snickers has a bigger following then Twix 

  • 10,659,010 Snickers
  • 7,755,123 Twix 
Twitter-Snickers has a bigger following then Twix 

  • 223K Snickers 
  • 3,896 Twix 
Twix has less shares, comments, and likes on posts on Facebook and less retweets and favorites then some posts on Twitter then Snickers does. Twix's posts are not as exciting and as appealing to the eye. Some of their posts do have a decent amount of retweets, favorites, shares, comments and likes though Snickers still has more on one of their posts. 



The Twix photo does not draw the viewer in as much as the Snickers does. 

Snickers Objectives

  • To get people to buy their chocolate bar (product)
  • To eat Snickers over other chocolate bars 
  • Their advertising is funny and upbeat which is appealing to the eye and helps the viewer to remember it
Snickers is successful since their commercial and slogan are memorable and make the viewer crave a Snickers!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Lets Talk Social Media

Now of days children are growing up glued to iPhones and iPads, updating their social media at a very young age. I am a child of the digital era as well; however, I missed it as a child and I’m completely content with that. I hate that we have to be glued to our phones twenty-four seven, it’s kind of ridiculous. Also, how obsessed we are with getting likes, its crazy, I know we say were not and we try not to be, but we are and we can’t help it.

As for me I guess I would say my life is on my phone, if I lost it I would be pretty upset. It’s nice to disconnect though. A quote I once heard is, “disconnect to reconnect”.

I personally use most social media platforms. The ones I use are as listed: Tumblr

  • ·      Instagram
  • ·      Snapchat
  • ·      Facebook
  • ·      Tumblr
  • ·      Twitter                                                            
  • ·      Facetime
  • ·      Google
  • ·      Youtube
  • ·      Pandora
  • ·      Linkedin

I have also dabbled in Flickr and Venmo.        

It’s crazy how social media is such a big part of my life. I find myself checking things constantly. I would say almost every few minutes I’m checking for a text message or notification.


I have developed a habit were I can not fall asleep until all my social media platforms are checked and looked through. The one’s that are part of my bedtime ritual are the following:

·      Instagram
·      Snapchat
·      Facebook
·      And Twitter

Viewing Social Platforms!                                         
I view these social media apps on an:
  • ·      IPhone
  • ·      Laptop
  • ·      Tablet

A few summers ago I did an internship with a small literary agency and I was considered their social media intern. I had to post updates to their Twitter account and their Tumblr account. I soon started working on creating them an Instagram account. It was challenging getting that started for them, trying to get them a bunch of followers that would be interested in what they do.

Future with social media!

In my future I see myself continuing to use these social platforms and hopefully not just for my personal use but also for my professional use as well. I would use it for networking and communicating with clients and companies. 

My Digital Life: VP