Monday, September 14, 2015

Lets Talk Social Media

Now of days children are growing up glued to iPhones and iPads, updating their social media at a very young age. I am a child of the digital era as well; however, I missed it as a child and I’m completely content with that. I hate that we have to be glued to our phones twenty-four seven, it’s kind of ridiculous. Also, how obsessed we are with getting likes, its crazy, I know we say were not and we try not to be, but we are and we can’t help it.

As for me I guess I would say my life is on my phone, if I lost it I would be pretty upset. It’s nice to disconnect though. A quote I once heard is, “disconnect to reconnect”.

I personally use most social media platforms. The ones I use are as listed: Tumblr

  • ·      Instagram
  • ·      Snapchat
  • ·      Facebook
  • ·      Tumblr
  • ·      Twitter                                                            
  • ·      Facetime
  • ·      Google
  • ·      Youtube
  • ·      Pandora
  • ·      Linkedin

I have also dabbled in Flickr and Venmo.        

It’s crazy how social media is such a big part of my life. I find myself checking things constantly. I would say almost every few minutes I’m checking for a text message or notification.


I have developed a habit were I can not fall asleep until all my social media platforms are checked and looked through. The one’s that are part of my bedtime ritual are the following:

·      Instagram
·      Snapchat
·      Facebook
·      And Twitter

Viewing Social Platforms!                                         
I view these social media apps on an:
  • ·      IPhone
  • ·      Laptop
  • ·      Tablet

A few summers ago I did an internship with a small literary agency and I was considered their social media intern. I had to post updates to their Twitter account and their Tumblr account. I soon started working on creating them an Instagram account. It was challenging getting that started for them, trying to get them a bunch of followers that would be interested in what they do.

Future with social media!

In my future I see myself continuing to use these social platforms and hopefully not just for my personal use but also for my professional use as well. I would use it for networking and communicating with clients and companies. 

My Digital Life: VP